Good day Members,
We have compiled a few informative resources so that we can all be well informed during these times; below we have references to the following;
The Appropriate Health Authorities'
Basic questions on COVID-19?
Use of Personal Protective Equipment
Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidelines for Facilities
Determining when an employee is permitted to return to work
***This is a fluid post and may be updated periodically***
Additionally, the IFATCA has compiled a document "Guidance principles to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Air Navigation Facilities" .
During the COVID-19 Pandemic we are guided by the Appropriate Health Authorities;
The Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of Health - http://www.health.gov.tt/
The World Health Organisation [WHO] - https://www.who.int/
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] - https://www.cdc.gov/
The European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention [ECDC] - https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en
There are additional Regional Health Authorities that play a significant role in combating this disease and any public health concern, these are:
The Pan American Health Organisation [PAHO] - Regional Office for the Americas of the WHO - https://www.paho.org/en
The Caribbean Public Health Agency [CARPHA] - https://www.carpha.org/
***The CARPHA has the only CARICOM regional reference laboratory accredited to test for the COVID-19 and also the only laboratory that can confirm positive or negative results in Trinidad and Tobago***
Each authority/agency has provided a number of resources and facts which can be utilized by all well informed, a pillar in smart decision making. The Ministry of Health (Trinidad & Tobago) is using social media to get information out to persons in a timely manner and should you wish to get information from social media about what is going on, these should be your main sources:
Instagram - www.instagram.com/MinHealthTT
Facebook- www.facebook.com/MinistryofHealthTT
What is Covid19, symptoms, prevention and its statistics?
How do I make sure COVID-19 doesn’t spread in my workplace?
As an employer, how can I protect my staff, from COVID-19?
What is the procedure in place for companies to deal with employees who come to work ill or are suspected with COVID-19? Click Image Below
RESOURCES (Ministry of Health, T&T)
Self Quarantine Brochure | Symptoms & Treatment | Protect Yourself from COVID19 | Proper Washing of Hands | Cover Coughs & Sneezes |When to use a Mask
Location & Contact information for Health Centres

We note that the incorrect use of masks and gloves, just as with washing your hands; if done incorrectly would exacerbate the problem we are trying to mitigate. The Ministry of Health has advised persons to follow WHO standards & CDC recommendations;
The CDC has advised the use of cloth face masks under particular conditions, with its overall stance on PPE in keeping with all other practices and procedures from other health organisations.
Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the spread of COVID-19
Should persons opt to use surgical masks please be guided by the following video; https://youtu.be/Q2umnY8xz4Q or be guided by a suitable medical professional.
CLEANING & DISINFECTION GUIDELINES FOR FACILITIES Where cleaning, disinfection procedures and suitable chemical agents for the handling of facilities (that provide 24 hour operations) are concerned; we have noted the following information from the CDC:
Determining when an Employee is permitted to Return to work? Employers and employees would be guided by the national policies set forth by their Health Authority (Ministry of Health, Trinidad and Tobago) with additional approval form the Air Navigation Service Provider's (ANSP's) Medical Officer. This would be the Trinidad & Tobago Civil Aviation Authority's Medical Officer for the TTATCA members.

In Trinidad and Tobago we are guided by national policies and ordinance. Specifically the ordinances issued by the Ministry of Health; keeping mind of:
Announcements from the Office of the Prime Minister, Trinidad & Tobago
Essential workers (TTATCA Members) permitted at work to provide essential services.
Gathering of groups (currently no more than 5 persons can gather in Trinidad & Tobago)
Social Distancing & Proper Hygiene
The latest issuance by the Government of Trinidad & Tobago can be viewed below
Updates from Ministry of National Security

Review the IFATCA document "Guidance principles to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Air Navigation Facilities" .
Work with your Employer (ANSP) in building and establishing procedures and protocols.
Take note of your local/state/regional Health Authorities to keep well informed of the developments that directly affect you.
Take note of National policies and ordinances
Identify your public health officials where necessary and confer with them, in Trinidad & Tobago we have our Chief Medical Officer and County Medical Officers.
Share what has and hasn't worked with your colleagues so that we can learn from each others mistakes and successes.