The Trinidad & Tobago
Air Traffic Controllers'
The TTATCA is the professional organisation representing, Air Traffic Controllers in Trinidad and Tobago. whose members are involved in the operation of the PIARCO Flight Information Region [TTZP]. The Association has been representing air traffic controllers for over 35 years and is an affiliate member of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations.
Over the years membership has expanded beyond Air Traffic Controllers within Trinidad & Tobago. It now includes instructors at the Civil Aviation Training Centre [CATC] and professionals in both Communication and Navigation & Surveillance [CNS] as well as Aeronautical Information Management [AIM].
TTATCA has two types of membership, ordinary and honorary. All ordinary members of the association are employed by the Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority [TTCAA].
The By-laws & Constitution of TTATCA, state that its executive board shall have 7 members with a clearly identified Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The executive roles and responsibilities of each member are determined by the board under the guise of the Chairman. The current structure is influenced by IFATCA (of which TTATCA is an Affiliate Member) as well as the prerequisites to function as a registered NGO within Trinidad & Tobago. Executive Members can serve dual roles and at the behest of the board specific responsibilities can be delegated to non-executive members.
IFATCA is an international collective of air traffic controllers' associations. It was established in 1961 and is the largest and most comprehensive representative body for air traffic control in the world. Membership is separated into four regions: Africa & The Middle East, Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe. The objects of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations are:
To operate as a non-profit and non-political federation of air traffic controllers' associations;
To promote safety, efficiency and regularity in International Air Navigation;
To assist and advise in the development of safe and orderly systems of Air Traffic Control;
To promote and uphold a high standard of knowledge and professional efficiency among Air Traffic Controllers;
To protect and safeguard the interests of the Air Traffic Control profession;
To make mutual benefit affiliations with other international professional organisations;
To strive for a world-‐wide Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations.
The Americas Region
The Americas Region of IFATCA comprise of 25 members:
Antigua & Barbuda - The Guild of Antigua & Barbuda Air Traffic Control Officers
Argentina - Asociación Técnicos y Empleados de Seguridad y a la Aeronavegación de Argentina
Aruba - Associacion di Controladornan di Trafico Aéreo di Aruba
Bahamas - Bahamas Air Traffic Controllers’ Union
Barbados - Barbados Air Traffic Control Association
Bermuda - Bermuda Public Services Union
Bolivia - Asociación de Tecnicos en Control de Tránsito Aéreo (Bolivia)
Brazil - Sindicato Nacional dos Empregados em Empresas Administradoras de Aeroportos (Brazil)
Canada - Canadian Air Traffic Controllers Association
Cayman Islands - Cayman Islands Air Traffic Controllers Association
Chile - Colegio de Controladores de Transito Aereo de Chile
Costa Rica - Sindicato de Technicos en Control de la Navigación Aérea (Costa Rica)
Curaçao - Curacao Air Traffic Controllers Association
Dominican Republic - Asociación Dominicana de Controladores Aéreos Inc.
El Salvador - Asociacion Salvadoreña de Controladores de Tránsito Aéreo
Grenada - Grenada Air Traffic Controllers’
Guyana - Guyana Association of Air Traffic Control Officers
Haïti - Association Professionnelle des Contrôleurs Aériens
CENAMER - Air Traffic Controllers’ Association of Cenamer (ACTACEN)
Jamaica - Jamaica Air Traffic Controllers’ Association
México - Colegio de Controladores de Tránsito Aéreo de México, Asociación Civil
Saint Lucia - St Lucia Air Traffic Controllers’ Association
Trinidad & Tobago - Trinidad & Tobago Air Traffic Controllers’ Association
United States of America - National Air Traffic Controllers’ Association
Uruguay - Asociación de Controladores de Tránsito Aéreo del Uruguay

The Trinidad & Tobago
Civil Aviation Authority
The Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority (hereinafter referred to as "the Authority") was established by the Civil Aviation Act, 2001 (Act 11 of 2001). The principal function of the Authority is to regulate and administer a safe civil aviation system whilst ensuring that Trinidad and Tobago properly discharges its obligations under international civil aviation agreements and treaties, in particular, the Convention on International Civil Aviation commonly known as "the Chicago Convention".
The Board has developed a corporate statement for the Authority defining the Authority’s Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles and Core Values.
"To ensure the highest levels of Safety, Security and Effectiveness in the Trinidad and Tobago Aviation Industry"
"Provision of a Regulatory Framework to facilitate a Safe, Secure and Effective Aviation Industry and Air Navigation Services within the Piarco Flight Information Region"
Safety, Performance, Professionalism, Teamwork, Accountability, Quality and Diversity
Honesty, Integrity, Respect and Equity
The Civil Aviation Training Centre (CATC), established in 1963, is the training arm of the Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority (TTCAA). The CATC offers a wide range of technical, operational and management programmes to the local, regional and international markets. The CATC is the leading aviation training institution in the Caribbean region, having
delivered over 2000 Air Traffic Control professionals since its inception. Performance is now at the heart of the CATC. Its training experts are specialised trainers dedicated to ensuring that every programme is delivered using the latest training technologies, equipment, and to the
highest international and best practice standards, in order to meet the needs of the global aviation community.
The CATC is registered with the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago and is also internationally recognized and accredited by:
The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) as an:
International Air Transport Association (IATA) as an:
IATA Regional Training Partner (RTP)*
IATA Authorised Training Centre (ATC)
The CATC is also affiliated with and delivers training programmes in conjunction with:
The University of Southern California (USC)
The University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT)

What is Air traffic Control?
Air Traffic Control (ATC) is a service provided by ground based personnel, known as "controllers", who direct aircraft to provide a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of aircraft on the ground and in the air. ATC systems worldwide separate aircraft to prevent collisions, organize and expedite the flow of air traffic and provide information and other support for pilots when available.
What are Air Navigation Services?
Air Navigation Services (ANS) means air traffic services; communication, navigation and surveillance services; meteorological services for air navigation; and aeronautical information services.
What is Communication Navigation and Surveillance?
Communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) are the main functions that form the infrastructure for air traffic management, air traffic control and air navigation services .
What is Aeronautical Information Management?
Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) encompasses the origination, management and distribution of time-sensitive, digital aeronautical information in a safe secure and efficient manner. Gradually, the distribution of aeronautical information will be via a global System Wide Information Management (SWIM) network. The Aeronautical Information Service is a service established in support of international civil aviation, whose objective is to ensure the flow of information necessary for the safety, regularity, and efficiency of international air navigation.
What is the PIARCO Flight Information Region (FIR)?
A Flight information region (FIR) is a specified region of airspace in which flight information service and alerting service are provided. It is the largest regular division of airspace in use in the world today. Every portion of the atmosphere belongs to a specific FIR.
Trinidad & Tobago through the TTCAA is responsible for the Piarco FIR (TTZP) and provides Air Navigation Services throughout the Eastern Caribbean ( from Antigua in the north to Trinidad in the south) and east of Barbados stretching almost half way across the Atlantic Ocean to Africa. It should be noted that each country is responsible for ANS within their own airspaces which resides from the surface to its TMA (Terminal Control Area, it used to be called Terminal Manoeuvring Area) which varies between 13,500 - 24,500 feet over each country.