The 40th IFATCA Americas Regional Meeting, hosted by the Trinidad and Tobago Air Traffic Controllers’ Association (TTATCA), took place from 15-17 October 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. The meeting brought together aviation professionals and stakeholders from across the Americas region, including representatives from 21 nations; Argentina, Aruba, The Bahamas, Barbados, Canada, Chile, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, St Lucia and Trinidad & Tobago. Non-IFATCA members from French Guiana, Guadeloupe and Suriname were also in attendance and expressed interest in collaborating with IFATCA and its members association. The French nation states acknowledged the benefits and practicality of engaging in the Americas region of IFATCA. This year’s meeting was held in partnership with the Trinidad & Tobago Civil Aviation Authority (TTCAA) and regional meeting partner L3Harris.





At the opening ceremony attendees were addressed by the honourable Mr Richie Sookhai, Minister in the Ministry of Works & Transport (line ministry for the TTCAA) and Mr Cary Price; Director General of the TTCAA. Both spoke about tentative positive outcomes of such a meeting being hosted in Trinidad & Tobago which did indeed come to pass.
Female representation was in full force; attendees were greeted by Mrs Helena Sjõrstöm Falk (First Female and current President & CEO of IFATCA), Mrs Patricia “Trish” Gilbert (Executive Vice President Americas IFATCA), and Ms Vaneeta Singh (current Chairperson TTATCA). Honour for her contribution to TTATCA was Mrs Ann-Marie Plaza Hosein first female Chairperson of TTATCA. Also present was Mrs Pamela Williams (first female Air Traffic Controller in Trinidad & Tobago).
Past IFATCA Executive members from Trinidad and Tobago were honoured; Mr. Samuel Lampkin - President and Chief Executive Officer (1998-2002); Executive Vice President-Americas Region (1992-1998) and Mr. Alexis Brathwaite - President and Chief Executive Officer of IFATCA (2010-2014) and Deputy President (2007-2010).

State of the Federation: IFATCA President and CEO Helena Sjöström Falk provided an update on the state of the federation, highlighting key initiatives and achievements. IFATCA EVP AMA Patricia “Trish” Gilbert discussed the same but in a regional context.
IFATCA 2030+ Task Force: The task force, responsible for developing a long-term vision and implementation plan for IFATCA up to 2030 and beyond, presented its blueprint. The blueprint outlines key areas for improvement including administration, finance, representation, cohesion, development, and influence.
IFATCA Mental Wellbeing Task Force: The task force presented its findings from a survey on mental health and well-being in the aviation industry, highlighting the prevalence of stress and the need for support programs like peer support and professional referral.
Speak ENGLISH Program: The program, aimed at enhancing English-speaking capabilities of air traffic controllers globally, was presented, emphasizing its objectives and benefits. The Speak ENGLISH program encourages fluency and provides practice opportunities for air traffic controllers to gain confidence in using English for aviation communication.
Working relationships: organizations like the ITF (International Transport Workers' Federation), ICAO and ILO (International Labour Organization) each play distinct roles in representation of air navigation services personnel. MA’s were encouraged to collaborate with each organisation for their respective expertise in resolving issues within their work environment.
All presentations can be accessed via the IFATCA Americas Website.

IFATCA Technical and Operations Committee (TOC): The TOC discussed its work on various technical topics, including multiple remote towers, radio communication failure, and environmental policy review. The committee also highlighted its role in collaborating with ICAO representatives on matters like airspace optimization and technical harmonization.
IFATCA Professional and Legal Committee (PLC): The PLC discussed its ongoing work on a range of professional and legal issues impacting air traffic controllers. The PLC researches and produces working papers on key issues to be published and shared with the greater community. Specific topics included high reliability organizations, fatigue risk management, and attracting new air traffic controllers.
Americas Region Communications Committee: The committee outlined its work on enhancing internal and external communication within the Americas region. Updates were provided on social media engagement, website development, and strategies for coordinating communication efforts.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force (EDITF): The task force discussed the importance of promoting equity, diversity and inclusion within IFATCA, highlighting initiatives at regional and global levels, and encouraging member associations to take action to ensure diverse representation.
Disaster Preparedness Committee (DPC): The committee discussed the importance of disaster preparedness and mitigation, particularly for air traffic controllers and aviation infrastructure. Highlighted were the four phases of emergency response: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery, offering guidance on creating disaster response groups within member associations.
All presentations can be accessed via the IFATCA Americas Website.

ICAO: Josue Gonzalez, Regional Officer for Air Traffic Management and Search and Rescue, provided an update on ICAO's activities. Key topics included the transition to Flexible Use of Airspace and Free Route Operations (FRTO), challenges to implementation, and airspace optimization initiatives in the region.
L3Harris: The company gave a presentation outlining its work as a global provider of air traffic management systems and services. They highlighted their partnership with the FAA and showcased case studies of their work, including the ADS-B surveillance network and space-based ADS-B surveillance.
Two presentations drew significant interest and engagement from attendees.
All presentations can be accessed via the IFATCA Americas Website.

MA’s shared updates on successes over the past year as well as issues arising in their respective working conditions. One key point of noted was that all MAs acknowledged the NEED for CISM within all ANSPs and to develop a network to be called upon for each other when needed. The Dominican Republic assisting the Bahamas after an incident highlighted how beneficial a CISM network for the region can become. Each MA gave updates on challenges within their respective work environments.

Two presentations drew significant interest and engagement from attendees.
“Occupational Health Impact on Air Traffic Controllers”: explored the impact of job-related stress on air traffic controllers. The presentation emphasized the importance of self-care strategies for mental well-being, highlighting techniques for relaxation, mindfulness, physical activity, sufficient rest, and healthy nutrition.
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM): CISM is presented as an "umbrella term for multiple intervention tactics given after a critical incident or traumatic event". It's not a single action but a comprehensive, multi-component model that encompasses strategies from the pre-crisis phase to post-crisis support. Peer-to-peer support as a cornerstone of CISM, emphasizing its effectiveness in facilitating a return to normal functioning after a critical incident. Several reasons are cited for the success of peer support in this.
Thanks, were extended to the CISM team at NATCA (USA) for the assistance from their specialist, who aided controllers in Peru (Lima Tower) after a critical incident. This emphasized the need for a network of CISM specialists in the region who can answer the call when needed.
Special mention must be made to Mrs Jaymi Steinberg who received IFATCA AMA Volunteer of the Year award. Each session saw attendees engaging with each other in finding solutions to existing problem and contributing positively to task force and committee members in achieving their respective mandates. All in all the meeting did provide a platform for sharing knowledge, discussing key challenges, and fostered collaboration among aviation professionals in the Americas region. The presentations and discussions reflected IFATCA's commitment to advancing air traffic safety, promoting the profession, and shaping the future of air traffic management. Members from both Guyana and Argentina expressed interest in hosting the next regional meeting; the final host will be discussed among those representatives and the respective VPs of the region.

Attendees enjoying the performances and themselves at the closing dinner

Since becoming a member of IFATCA, the TTATCA has successfully hosted four Americas Regional Meetings, with the most recent being held in Tobago, 2010 as well as a hosting multiple IFATCA Standing Committees. In 1991 TTATCA hosted IFATCA Annual Conference in Port-of-Spain. Two representatives of Trinidad & Tobago have served on the IFATCA executive since then:
Mr. Samuel Lampkin - President and Chief Executive Officer (1998-2002), Executive Vice President-Americas Region (1991-1997)
Mr. Alexis Brathwaite - President and Chief Executive Officer of IFATCA (2010-2014) and Deputy President (2007-2010)

The International Federation of Air Traffic Controller’s Associations (IFATCA), is an international collective of air traffic controller associations. It was established in 1961 and is the largest and most comprehensive representative body for air traffic control in the world representing over 50,000 air traffic controllers through 130 member associations.
The objectives of the federation include promoting safety, efficiency, and regularity in international air navigation, and developing safe and orderly systems of air traffic control. Thes objectives are achieved from Annual Conferences, Regional Meetings, Standing Committee and Tasks Forces.
The federation plays an integral role in developing and shaping international aviation policy and procedures and is affiliated with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Federation of Air Line Pilots Association (IFALPA) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).
Membership is separated into four regions: Africa & The Middle East, Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. Trinidad & Tobago’s air navigation services professionals are part of the Americas Region - IFATCA AMA (ifatcaamericas.com).

Tuesday, 15 October 2024 | Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain hosted by TTATCA
Official Meeting Open & Welcome
State of the Federation, IFATCA President and CEO Helena Sjöström Falk
IFATCA Regional Perspective & Welcome, IFATCA EVP AMA Trish Gilbert
IFATCA Technical and Operations Committee - Jaymi Steinberg, United States and Danahe Lopez, Mexico
IFATCA Professional and Legal Committee - Michelle Trudeau, United States
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Program - Sarah Grampp, United States
ICAO Update - Josue Gonzalez, Mexico City Regional Office
Occupational Health Impact on Air Traffic Controllers: Assessing Job-Related Health Risks and Self-Care Recommendations, Breydys Tapia and Jose Henriquez, Dominican Republic
Wednesday, 16 October 2024 | Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain hosted by TTATCA
Member Association Reports
IFATCA Mental Wellbeing Task Force Update, RVP North America Andrew LeBovidge, United States
Thursday, 17 October 2024 | Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain hosted by TTATCA
IFATCA 2030+ Task Force - Jaymi Steinberg, United States
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force - Rossana Croci, Uruguay and Gale Williams-Dalsou, St. Lucia
Regional Communications Committee - Tommy Thompson, United States
Disaster Preparedness Committee - Tom Flanary, United States
Speak English Program, RVP Central America Dario DeSouza, Panama
International Organizations and their Working Relationships - Mario Librán, Uruguay and Ameer Chattergoon, Trinidad and Tobago
What we do! L3Harris, Moranda Reill
Confirm 2025 Regional Meeting Location & Proposed Location 2026
Farewell Event
The Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority is both the Regulator and Air Navigation Services Provider (ANSP) for the aforementioned nation. It was established by the Civil Aviation Act, 2001 (Act 11 of 2001). The principal function of the Authority is to regulate and administer a safe civil aviation system whilst ensuring that Trinidad and Tobago properly discharges its obligations under international civil aviation agreements and treaties.

Trinidad and Tobago is a twin-island nation located in the southeastern end of the Caribbean archipelago, near the coast of Venezuela. A former British colony, it gained it's independence in 1962.
It is known for its diverse culture influenced by African, Indian, European and indigenous heritage. It is famous for its Carnival (the greatest show on earth), the steelpan (the national instrument of Trinidad & Tobago), Calypso (and soca) music, as well as its cultural dishes and cuisines.
The island of Trinidad was first colonised by the Spanish and then later came under British control in the 1800s. Tobago on the other hand, was colonised by the Spanish, British, Courlanders (modern-day Latvia), French, Americans and Dutch. After much fighting from European powers over the years after a treaty with the French it came back under British control in the 1800s where it would later be joined to Trinidad as one colony. A large number of African slaves were brought to the islands to work on plantations; cocoa, tobacco (mainly Tobago) and most notably sugarcar. Post slavery a large number of indentured servants (primarily from India) were brought to the islands.
During World War II Trinidad & Tobago became the home from a number of US Military bases (Air Force and Naval) through the UK’s destroyers-for-bases deal. In 1962 the nation gained it's independence from the UK and became a Republic in 1976. Today the country is one of the most prosperous in the Caribbean, thanks largely to petroleum and natural gas processing

Trinidad & Tobago through the TTCAA is responsible for the Piarco FIR (TTZP) and provides Air Navigation Services throughout the Eastern Caribbean ( from Antigua in the north to Trinidad in the south) and east of Barbados stretching across the Atlantic Ocean toward Africa. It should be noted that each country is responsible for ANS within their own airspaces which resides from the surface to its TMA which varies between 13,500 -24,500 feet over each country.
The Piarco Flight Information shares borders with San Juan Oceanic FIR (Puerto Rico), Miquetia FIR (Venezuela), Georgetown FIR (Guyana), Paramaribo FIR (Suriname), Rochambeau FIR (French Guiana), Daka FIR (Senegal) Sal Oceanic (Cape Verde), Santa Maria FIR (Portugal), and New York Oceanic (USA). Covering the entire Eastern Caribbean Region and a range of some 750,000 square miles.
Piarco (of which Trinidad’s International airport and the Flight information Region is named after) is an indigenous name of the first people’s of the island. It is named after the location which the airport was built on; the Piarco Savannah. The TTCAA Civil Aviation Complex is also located in this area